Finding and Living Your Highest Truth

Monday, 27th May 2020 “Satya” is a branch of the Yamas, prompting us to carve out an honest and integral life, which is far more challenging than it sounds. Please, allow yourself a moment to STOP and consider this – “How does it look, feel and sound when you are living your life morally and […]

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Resetting With Some Rest and Relaxation

By Anita Perryman The practice of deep rest consciously happens (naturally) in some people due to old impressions. Just by doing something, you cannot achieve this awareness. You cannot bring up the intelligence or alertness in you by effort. This happens without effort, by relaxation, by reposing in the Self. – Patanjali Yoga Sutra #18 […]

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Tips to Journal Keeping for Beginners

I cherish everything about the process of Journal Keeping: choosing the book, setting aside the time, the ritual of arriving, the feel of the pen connecting to the paper and the residual good effects that linger. It feels like a personal super-power.

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Let’s Do: Our Meditation

Honoring that I’m not looking for answers or something of a revelation to behold meโ€ฆbut just some peace; some light; some connection and some time to investigate the depths and layers of me and my place here and now”.

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Detour Ahead

Thursday, 21 February 2019 ‘Yoga On The Road’ was about conservatively packaging up what I have learnt, lived, loved and experienced in life and through yoga with what was yet to be explored through travel. With a burning desire and fire stoked, the dream of interweaving these loves and creating new connections along the way […]

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The Art of Child’s Play

…the leafy sprawl provides a dense canopy that shields me from the outer world. I reach up for my first branch and my feet leave the ground. Moving with confidence and sure-footedness, I make my way, unfazed for the top. I am mindfully moving and weaving in, out and around the obstacle of protruding branches. This ย and many other real life childhood adventures could well be the inpiration for a kids yoga-themed class.

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Packaging up Yoga for Home

My very first taste of yoga, was love at first experience. I was in a North Shore clinic in Sydney as an inpatient; a teen coming to terms with an all-consuming and enduring eating disorder. Yoga featured daily in our rehabilitation program.

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Where Life Imitates Art

The new tagline for my website (“where life imitates art”)ย  is intended as an analogy for the comparisons between the twists and turns of the road ahead (life) and the similarities and observances felt in a yoga practice and your body.

Not always knowing where life will take you is a little daunting (at the best of times) and an unveiling of wonder and adventure often-times. Not that dis-similar from showing up on the mat and wondering just where that practice might lead your body on that given day and adversely…all facets of your day!

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